Claire Sanderson trains laboratory staff at institute pasteur on dried blood spot techniques

Center for Public & Corporate Veterinary Medicine Annual Fund

With a gift of any amount to the Center for Public and Corporate Veterinary Medicine Annual Fund, you'll help support the areas of greatest need. Contributions to this fund will be used to advance the mission of CPCVM, such as operational support, career transition workshops and modules, and more. 

Frank P. Van Dresser Public & Corporate Veterinary Medicine Scholarship

Established by Dr. William Van Dresser, a founding member of the veterinary college, to honor of his father, this scholarship was created to benefit exceptional individuals interested in the practice of public or corporate veterinary medicine. It is awarded each year to a third-year veterinary student in the public corporate track to facilitate their participation in a CPCVM clerkship in their fourth year.

When most people hear the word 'veterinarian', they think of private clinical practice. But this is only one area of veterinary medicine; nearly 25% of the nation's veterinarians have careers in public service or corporate settings where they play essential roles in the advancement of the community at large.

The Center for Public and Corporate Veterinary Medicine (CPCVM) develops the skills of these veterinarians through the public and corporate veterinary medicine academic track for students, and through career transition workshops, modules, and other resources for veterinarians who found their passion for public and corporate veterinary medicine later in their career.

Your support can help the Center advance its mission by allowing us to:

  • Provide essential scholarship support to CPCVM students, helping to reduce the financial burden of their required externships.
  • Grow and improve career transition workships, online modules, and other resources for current veterinarians.

CPCVM Testimonials

  • Article Item
    Corrin Markey
    A student's experience in Kenya , article

    Corrin Markey (DVM/MPH '22) describes the wide variety of experiences she had during her 6-week trip to Kenya. The complex and rigorous nature of veterinary medicine, combined with the total immersion in different cultures, often combine to make externships the most memorable and influential part of the student's academic journey.

Visit the Make a Gift page for more information on college priorities, ways to give, featured donor highlights, and more! 

To support any of the priority funds, please follow the provided links. To support other funds, you can follow the instructions below.

  1. Go to the secure Virginia Tech On-Line Giving page. This page will open in a new browser window so you may refer back to these instructions by minimizing the giving window.
  2. The "Select an area" dropbox will be prepopulated with "College of Veterinary Medicine".
  3. Use the "Select a fund" dropbox to select the fund you would like to support. If you wish to support a fund not listed, please select "Other" and a "Designation" box will appear where you can enter the fund name.
  1. Download and print our Gift Contribution Form (PDF)
  2. Make your check payable to "Virginia Tech Foundation, Inc."
  3. Send the completed form and your check to:
    College of Veterinary Medicine
    Development Office
    225 Duck Pond Drive
    Blacksburg, VA 24061